Intelligent Memory Surveillance (iMS) is a patented technology that detects and prevents computer memory failures before they occur, without impact to the end user. iMS dramatically improves computer reliability and significantly lowers manufacturer and OEM memory related RMAs and support costs.
Memory is one of the main cause of system failure
A large-scale research study of memory failures found the following:
- Memory failure rates are much higher than previously reported – hundreds to thousands times higher than thought!
- 1/3 of machines, and over 8% of DIMMs, experience at least one error per year.
- The study found that an RDIMM, on average, may experience an error 10 times per day.
- New generation DIMMs don’t have higher error rates despite concern that advancing densities in DRAMs may lead to the higher rates of errors
- Error rates are strongly correlated with memory utilization
- Error rates are not dominated by soft errors
See the original research paper from http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/~bianca/papers/sigmetrics09.pdf
We design reliable solution to detect and prevent memory errors
“… KINGTIGER’s iMS is perfectly aligned with these objectives. It has resulted in an effective control of the instable random ECC checking errors caused by ageing memory.”
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Inspur Technologies Co., Ltd.
iMS allows end-user’s computer to identify memory failures seamlessly, even before they could occur. iMS improves computer system stability and prevents computer systems from losing sensitive information by:
- Continuous background memory surveillance
- Aggressive failure prediction
- Isolation of confirmed and potential memory failures

iMS Perform non-intrusive, seamless memory scans in end-user’s computer and identifies potential failures. iMS provides an early warning system for memory cell failures…
- Identify the weak cells by employing stress tests
- Isolate the location of weak cells subject to additional verifications
- The iMS program will perform a background, high stress test on suspected cells
- Memory cells can be released if they have passed all tests under a very rigorous standard
“… KingTiger’s iMS technology improves system reliability, increase customer satisfaction and lowers support costs for our customers”, said Jeremy Wang, CEO of Insyde Software.”
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Insyde Software Corp.
iMS improves system reliability significantly without affecting system performance
- iMS is initiated at system boot up and only performs background memory testing when the system is not operating on battery and is in idle state
- Memory surveillance scans the system memory continuously
- Memory cell failures will be isolated automatically in the field without technician’s intervention or RMA
- Additional opportunities exist to improve reliability by identifying and isolating “weak” cells
- Better customer experience by reducing memory failures significantly
- No additional hardware cost
iMS improves user experience with highly robust memory system
- iMS ensures that memory failures are identified before system crash can occur
- Isolation of defective memory will occur seamlessly without impacting user experience
- Allows customer to use broader selection of memories
“… KINGTIGER’s iMS provides an innovative ‘memory protection system’ for computers, which greatly reduces the probability of an occasional blue screen or systemic machine collapse caused by a memory failure. That kind of guarantee is doubly satisfactory to our customers!”
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View Paker Co. Ltd.
** KingTiger Technology, Inc. (KTI) reserves the right to change specifications, product descriptions, product quality, pricing, model applications and/or the information on this Web Site at any time without prior written or oral notice and without further obligation. Because some of this information may be updated at any time but not incorporated into the Web Site until later, please check with the KTI representatives for complete details.
iMS Lite – Freely distributed with selected AMI BIOS
- iMS Lite is a small version of iMS, which distributed with selected BIOS with no additional charge.
- iMS Lite is the same as the full version of iMS, except it can only correct up to errors in one memory address. Users can upgrade to a full version to enjoy a stable system with full memory protection.
iMS enabled mainboards
- An iMS enabled mainboard has a full version of iMS features equipped. No other license upgrade nor iMS Certified Memory Modules is required.
iMS ready mainboards
- An iMS ready mainboard has iMS features built-in, but these have not been enabled. The use of iMS Certified Memory Modules will serve as a key to enable the iMS features.
- An iMS ready mainboard can use regular memory modules, but iMS features would not be activated.
iMS Certified Memory Modules
- An iMS Certified Memory Module serves as an activation key to activate iMS features on iMS ready mainboard and mainboard with iMS Lite.
- To enable iMS features, all memory modules in the system must be iMS Certified Memory Modules.
- iMS Certified Memory Modules meet the standard which defined by KINGTIGER and has a unique authentication code on the Module.
- iMS certified modules can be used on both iMS mainboard or non-iMS mainboard.
** KingTiger Technology, Inc. (KTI) reserves the right to change specifications, product descriptions, product quality, pricing, model applications and/or the information on this Web Site at any time without prior written or oral notice and without further obligation. Because some of this information may be updated at any time but not incorporated into the Web Site until later, please check with the KTI representatives for complete details.
- iMS is the abbreviation for intelligence Memory Surveillance.
- iMS is a KINGTIGER’s patented technology which continuously detects and prevents computer memory failures around the clock. iMS, which is often considered as “resident immune system”, helps computers to self-detect and recover from a memory error. Thus iMS can significantly increase the stability of a computer system.
- iMS Lite the is same as the full version iMS, except it can only correct up to errors in one memory address.
- Users can upgrade to a full version in order to enjoy a stable system with full memory protection.
- You may have top quality memory in your system; however, as memory capacity is increasing tremendously, the density of memory cells is highly packed, and the operation speed is increasing from time to time. No Memory can be guaranteed to be error-free in all conditions and with all applications.
- As a hard drive, users are suggested to scan the drive regularly due to the increase of bad sectors over time. For the similar reason, your computer’s memory plays a more significant role in system stability; you need iMS to maintain the health of your computer memory.
- For more technical details, please see <R0005> in the technical section of the FAQ.
- Let us quote the study from Inspur, one of the top 5 worldwide server manufacturer: “iMS reduced more than 95% of memory errors.” For detail, please visit our iMS news page on KingTiger Website.
- Post Package Repair, from the DRAM manufacturers point of view, has been around in use for many years. JEDEC merely implemented the standardization of the PPR process recently.
- Imagine defective memory element is likened to culprits when PPR is considered as remediation to exterminate the culprits. The remaining question is “Who is supposed to identify and catch the culprits? “.
- Another problem for PPR is the lack of effective detection system which can perform cyclic maintenance procedures involving relentless loops of test & repair processes. Not until the procedures have successfully identified all possible memory failures, it remains a doubt that the PPR process has ultimately repaired bad cells or mistakenly quarantined the functional cells.
- PPR is considered as a hardware repair mechanism. Each internal bank can repair only one ROW, and the computer has to be powered down afterward. iMS acts as a software isolation method which is limited only by the availability of the system’s non-volatile storage space. It can continue operating without powering down the computer.
- KINGTIGER is planning to integrate PPR into iMS which refines iMS into a more perfect solution.
- Indeed the existing structure is indispensable.
- Most server suppliers are faced with a common problem – when a correctable error is detected by the MC (machine check) algorithm, should that be reported to System Administrative Utilities? If so, there is a 90% chance that it may trigger an RMA call. Ignoring it may eventually lead to a system crash which is even worse!
- iMS is a pre-emptive method that can effectively prevent memory failure and provide the solution for the above situation. ECC, SDCC, etc. can only protect the system passively.
- ECC detects and reports memory errors at the runtime memory operation. iMS scans and fixes bad/weak memory issues on system boot up and system idle time.
- ECC is not able memorize bad memory addresses; therefore, the same memory error can be repeated again and again in the same lousy memory cell; iMS detects and records bad/weak memory cell, so that the error would not happen on the same memory cell.
- iMS is a pre-emptive method that can effectively prevent memory failure and provide the solution for the above situation. ECC, SDCC, etc., can only protect the system passively.
- ECC can correct up to a 1-bit error in the same address, whereas iMS can fix multiple mistakes in the same or different memory addresses.
- For more information, please see the video of iMS VS ECC on kingtigertech.com/ims-videos/ website.
- The real problem is that we simply do not fully understand where the problems are!
- Google is one of the biggest worldwide server users. According to data collected during a joint research study by Google and Professor Schroeder from the University of Toronto, on long-term monitoring on a large number of server systems, the study indicates that :
- About a third of the server machines and over 8% of DIMMs in their fleet reported at least one correctable error per year.
- The annual incidence of uncorrectable errors is actually 1.3% per server machine and 0.22% per DIMM.
- See the original research paper from http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/~bianca/papers/sigmetrics09.pdf
- According to the various module analyses and a joint study by Intel and Carnegie University, over 80%+ of the modules are subject to row-hammer Risk.
Many memory related problems are either being ignored by the Memory Controller or are not truthfully reported to the system administrative utilities when the MC algorithm detects/corrects an error.
- For example during DDR2 generation, there had been many cases like one DIMM pass, two DIMM Fail, single side pass, double sides Fail. We thought that was caused by circuitry noise at that time. In fact, it is due to substantial increase of tRAS as the number of internal banks multiplies, making devices which have marginal tRASmax prone to failing.
- The CPU internal Memory Controller provides a solution as follows :
It keeps monitoring tRAS. Once it finds a page which is opened for a long time or when CPU-DRAM bus has an idle time slot, it will close that page even though the tRASmax has not yet been violated.
While CPU manufacturer focus is on CPU’s performance primarily, any DRAM issue is considered as their secondary concern. Therefore not only that DRAM issue has not been appropriately addressed, but it also manifests into an intermittent hidden failure!
- iMS is integrated at multiple layers of the BIOS to allow computer systems to self-survey and recover from memory problems. It can be considered as an “immune system” of memory module.
- It is a software solution.
- Users can significantly experience the reliability of the computer systems, without noticeable behavior difference in iMS equipped computers.
- At the system bootup, iMS will occupied some free, non-used resource.
- When a memory error is detected, iMS will take up some resources to correct the memory issue.
- The overall result will be a smoother and more stable system.
For Vendors
- Improved product quality by reducing failure – iMS can make the A+ module to work like A+++.
- Reduce production cost – iMS upgrades the D Grade devices to work like B+.
- Overall expectation – Quality UP, Cost DOWN.
- An iMS enabled mainboard has full iMS features enabled. No other license upgrade nor iMS Certified Memory Modules is required.
- An iMS ready mainboard has iMS features built-in, but these have not been enabled. The use of iMS Certified Memory Modules will serve as an keys to enable the iMS features.
- An iMS ready mainboard can use regular memory modules, but iMS features would not be activated.
- An iMS Certified Memory Module serves as an activation key to activate iMS features on iMS ready mainboard and mainboard with iMS Lite.
- In order to activate iMS features, all memory modules in the system must be iMS Certified Memory Modules.
- iMS Certified Memory Modules meet the standard which defined by KINGTIGER and has a unique authentication code on the Module.
- iMS certified modules can be used on both iMS mainboard or non-iMS mainboard.
- A special type of iMS equipped BIOS would be needed for the mainboard, If your company is interested in joining, please free feel to contact us directly for further information.
- KINGTIGER provides services according to market need. We have the plan to extend iMS support to ARM and Android after fulfilling our commitment to support Intel-based products. However, if your company has substantial business opportunities outside of Intel series, KINGTIGER is willing to provide specialized support to you to explore this opportunity.
- iMS can be incorporated through two different channels – mainboard manufacturers and module manufacturers.
- Some of the mainboards are iMS ready, but need to be used with iMS certificated Memory Modules to enable the feature.
- KINGTIGER is currently creating an iMS certified module supply chain. If your company is interested in joining, please free feel to contact us directly for further information.
- Firstly, contact us and join the iMS certified modules supply chain.
- Secondly, for all modules to meet the standard which is defined by KINGTIGER, the modules must be supplied by the iMS certified modules supply chain as well as tested by KINGTIGER testers.
- Finally, KINGTIGER will add a unique authentication code on the modules upon the completion of the certification process.
- Certainly not.
- Because iMS is integrated into different layers of BIOS, the system is able to behave in a normal non-iMS version after disabling iMS function through the BIOS setting interface.
- iMS ready mainboards can use both iMS certified modules and regular modules.
- iMS certified modules can be used on both iMS mainboards or non-iMS mainboards.
- Certainly yes.
- In fact, it is more valuable for iMS to be integrated on a system which uses onboard memory because defective onboard memory is generally more difficult to be replaced!
- In this case, the only way to integrate iMS is through the mainboard channel, not from the module channel.
- If you are manufacturer who want to produce iMS enabled mainboard, or if you would like to apply iMS enabled mainboard on your Ultrabook, please contact KINGTIGER for information.
- At present, iMS features are available in some of new generation of AMI and Insyde’s BIOS.
- KINGTIGER can customize iMS according to the market need. If your company has substantial business opportunities, it is our pleasure to customize products according to your requirement.
- The difference is who (mainboard manufacturer, or Memory manufacturer) buy and bring iMS to their customers.
- If iMS is integrated by the mainboard manufacturers, the system protects all the different brand of memory modules within the system.
- Alternately, Module Manufacturer can produce iMS certified memory module, which can activate iMS features on iMS ready mainboards, or mainboards with iMS Lite.
- For system manufacturers, iMS can be licensed with per Board, per Platform, per Product Line, or per Brand Name model.
- Please contact your BIOS provider, or KINGTIGER to start the process.
- KINGTIGER’s concept of the iMS License: By applying iMS to their products, customers will see and enjoy cost savings on production and RMA Support. The iMS licensing fee would be equivalent to a small portion of those savings.
- iMS saves money for vendors.
- iMS is not free of charge but from the view of the costs and benefits, it improves system stability, enhances product quality, and reduces service cost. It provides a lucrative incentive for both computer suppliers and manufacturers.
- KINGTIGER’s concept of the iMS License: By applying iMS to their products, customers will see and enjoy cost savings on production and RMA Support. The iMS licensing fee would be equivalent to a small portion of those savings.
- Internet cafes are rapidly expanding in various part of China. Currently, there are more than two hundred thousand outlets, and continually increasing in numbers.
- Computers installed in Internet cafes are required to run 24/7 uninterrupted without any downtime. This stringent requirement becomes a real test for many computers.
- The fact that iMS integrated computer systems are deployed in internet cafes under this extreme stability requirement, is by no means a coincidence. Our commitment to iMS, which enhances computer reliability and stability, is indisputable.
** KingTiger Technology, Inc. (KTI) reserves the right to change specifications, product descriptions, product quality, pricing, model applications and/or the information on this Web Site at any time without prior written or oral notice and without further obligation. Because some of this information may be updated at any time but not incorporated into the Web Site until later, please check with the KTI representatives for complete details.
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Introducing Intelligent memory surveillance(iMS)
iMS detects and prevents computer memory failures
before they occur
Mandarin / Cantonese
KingTiger「ARH 抗敲擊」對「RowHammer 旁敲側擊」的解決方案
新技術介紹 – 智能記憶體巡檢系統 (iMS)
智能記憶體巡檢系統 (iMS) 帶來更穩定電腦系統
iMS 與 ECC 糾正記憶體功能大比較
Testimonial From Galaxy (Mr. Mad Tse) – Mandarin
Testimonial From Galaxy (Mr. Mad Tse) – Cantonese

** KingTiger Technology, Inc. (KTI) reserves the right to change specifications, product descriptions, product quality, pricing, model applications and/or the information on this Web Site at any time without prior written or oral notice and without further obligation. Because some of this information may be updated at any time but not incorporated into the Web Site until later, please check with the KTI representatives for complete details.
Part of the iMS News from Media
Kingtiger and Inspur cooperation provide IMS memory detection and repair technology
KingTiger與浪潮合作 提供iMS記憶體檢測修復技術
“The performance of the Inspur on the server in the past few years continuous high-speed growth, the fastest growth in the world, which is based on our serious pursuit of efficiency and absolute adherence to quality.” Kingtiger’s IMS patented technology just satisfies the demand of these two aspects, and makes the accidental instability caused by the memory aging problem get effective control at the root …
English version by Google Translate
Original article in Chinese
AMI partners with KingTiger to push computer reliability and performance
AMI與KingTiger結盟 展現電腦系統的超高穩定性與效能
PC manufacturers and leading brands cannot afford to overlook memory risks. Outstanding achievements of the iMS solution enabled KingTiger to enter into collaborations with AMI and further expand into motherboard, computer assembly, computer brands and white-box markets with AMI BIOS …
Original article in English
Original article in Traditional Chinese
Original article in Simplified Chinese
PR Newswire
Inspur Tissot M13 Server RAS Design: Intelligent Memory Surveillance (iMS) Technology
浪潮天梭M13服务器 RAS设计之IMS内存检测隔离技术
The Inspur Tiansuo M13 high-end server’s IMS system is equipped with an efficient memory diagnostic tool, allowing users to check for memory problems …
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Original article in Chinese
The secret technology behind Tissot M13 has been uncovered
IMS can isolate the fault memory, and it can also prevent memory errors caused by memory degradation and improve system reliability. Moreover, IMS is more precise and timely in locating and processing memory errors. Some memory that should be used for RMA processing can be repaired and repaired in the field, greatly reducing memory space waste …
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Original article in Chinese
GIGABYTE released Mainboard with Intelligent Memory Surveillance (iMS) to prevent Blue Screen and system crash; V-Color Memory Module in Action!
The world’s leading motherboard leader GIGABYTE, the leading brand of server memory, is also the leading manufacturer of iMS anti-blue screen technology, and the cooperation of V-Color, the authoritative technology of color memory innovation, has signed the iMS project Cooperation Agreement. GIGABYTE Technology will become the only strategic brand of motherboard products for iMS technology in Taiwan. It will be the first motherboard to support iMS Smart Memory Inspection System Blue Screen Technology Motherboard “G1.SNIPER B7” and “B150M-DS3H” …
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Original article in Chinese
iMS Smart Memory Inspection: Gigabyte G1.SNIPER B7 and B150M-DS3H iMS Blue Screen Motherboard
iMS智能内存巡检:技嘉G1.SNIPER B7及B150M-DS3H iMS防蓝屏主板
GIGABYTE Technology and V-Color Technology Cooperate signed an iMS cooperation agreement. GIGABYTE Technology will become the only strategic product brand of motherboard technology for iMS technology. It will launch the first motherboard support iMS intelligent memory inspection system with blue screen technology motherboard – G1.SNIPER B7 And B150M-DS3H with iMS anti blue screen technology technology motherboard …
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Original article in Chinese
All Hexie KINGTIGER push memory killer application: iMS service
全何科偕KINGTIGER推記憶體殺手級應用: iMS服務
In order to prevent the spread of the industry’s “cost sacrificing quality” trend, the well-known memory module maker V-Color and the memory tester KINGTIGER cooperated to launch a “self-repair function” memory module smart memory patrol. iMS (Intelligent Memory Surveillance) to subvert the rules of the market with iMS strategic alliances: Facilitate the launch of iMS technology and iMS built-in memory modules for motherboards, computer assembly, and computer brands …
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Original article in Chinese
GIGABYTE launches iMS anti-blue screen crash technology motherboard
There are many reasons for computer crashes, but the most common is that there are problems with the memory, so when the memory load becomes high, encountered a crash or a blue screen problem. So seeing this picture will be scary. In addition to the possible loss of data, there are many other users determine the cause of the crash. Through iMS anti-blue screen technology, it can be ensured that even if there are problems in the memory, the computer can be used to prevent blue screens from crashing. Enough to greatly enhance the stability of the computer …
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Original article in Chinese